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Sunday services at Trinity Episcopal Church are 9:30 a.m. year-round. Services will vary between contemporary and traditional services, indoors and outdoors, and recorded and live music. Communion is open to all.

Our Communion table is not of the Church but of Jesus Christ. It is made ready for those who love God and who want to love God more. So come, you who have much faith and you who would like to have more; you who have been here often, you who may not have been here before; you who have tried to follow Jesus, and you who have failed. Come! It is Christ who invites you to be known and fed here.
-adapted from the Iona Abbey Worship Book.

Sunday worship in an Episcopal Church is called "Holy Eucharist" or "Mass." Just over an hour, the first half is a "Liturgy of the Word" in which we hear readings from the Bible, sing hymns, say prayers, and listen to a brief sermon. The second half is the "Liturgy of the Table" in which all baptized Christians, no matter their church home, share in the sacrament of Holy Communion.
The 9:30 am Holy Eucharist in the sanctuary is also live-streamed online.
On Sunday mornings, you will find people of all ages, some dressed in "Sunday best" and others in jeans. Please come however you feel most comfortable.
Baptism marks a significant and official moment in our spiritual journey. Some are baptized as infants, others as youth or adults. We celebrate the sacrament of baptism on major feast days in our church calendar.
The celebration and blessing of a marriage join together two people in lifelong covenant. In this sacrament, we catch a glimpse of God's love and devotion for us in the promises exchanged.
The death of someone we love is painful, and Holy Comforter strives to live into its namesake when people suffer loss.
Please contact our Rector to learn more