Faith in Action
Faith in Action is Love
Love in Action is Service
- Mother Teresa
Ministries Located at Trinity
"When it comes to community outreach, Trinity punches' above their weight" Dick Lefevre
Fremont County Suicide Prevention Task Force
Several community groups are addressing a significant need across Wyoming and Freemont
County – Suicide Prevention. Trinity Episcopal’s leaders have taken an active and prominent role in these groups:
Fremont Counseling
Fremont County Prevention
Fremont Suicide Prevention Task Force
Reach 4 Life Mental Health Collaborative
Lander Care and Share Food Bank
Lander Care and Share Food Bank. Our mission is to provide emergency food assistance to those in need regardless of income. Those who need food simply show some form of photo ID and tell us how many individuals are in their family. Clients can pick up one box of food per month. We serve over 1,000 individuals every month, offering each family that comes in a nutritionally balanced box of food worth approximately $100.
Our facilities are located at 281 Garfield Street., in Lander, Wyoming.
Food Bank Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: 10:30 am – 12:30 pm & Thursday Evening: 5pm-6pm
Back Packs
The Lander backpack program is run by a dedicated group of volunteers. These volunteers organize and plan nutritious food for students to take home for the weekend. Trinity volunteers once a month to fill and deliver the backpacks to our local schools.
Elks USA – Lander Christmas Baskets
Lander Christmas Baskets
Provide food and gifts for families in need. The Lander Elks Club along with many other groups come together to make Christmas just a little brighter for our neighbors in need. Trinity Episcopal Church provides financial support and volunteers.
Fremont County Search and Rescue
Lander Search & Rescue (SAR) is a volunteer organization that rescues people lost in the wilderness. Lander SAR is a part of the Fremont County Search & Rescue, a volunteer arm of the Fremont County Sheriff’s Department.
Good Samaritan Meal
Lander United Methodist Church began serving a free, weekly, community meal on Friday, September 22, 2017. The meal is intended for those ‘in need’ within our community and is served every Friday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the church’s parking lot. Volunteers shop for, cook, serve and clean-up. Several community partners have stepped up to make this project possible and have committed to hosting one Friday a month for a year. Trinity Episcopal Church hosts the third Friday of the month.
The Lander Greenway
The Lander Greenway runs behind Trinity, along the East and South side of the church and the river. In 2016, a picnic shelter was erected as a place for walkers, runners and bikers to rest, or to just enjoy the river. We invite everyone to use and enjoy the space. Please, stop by and take a break!
"Trinity is a happpening place. They are involved in everything"